2007.03.29 - 2016.01.20 Height: 66 cm Weight 39 kg HD A ED 0/0 MH Gunshoot proof
SEVCH - Swedish Field Tracking Champion RLDN - Rally Obedience Diploma Riga Weteran Winner 2015 Several BOB Weteran 2015 3rd best Field Tracking Ridgeback in Sweden 2015 10th Best Obedience Ridgeback in Sweden 2011 9th Best Obedience Ridgeback in Sweden 2010 6th Best Field Tracking Ridgeback in Sweden 2008
If you want more of Vimla: - Blogg - First website Vimla was my first Ridgeback. I followed the lovestory of her parents even before the mating at Karanga kennels website. And the day that my breeder Pia called and told me that I had a litle girl if I wanted, I cried! And from that day I picked her up my life was not the same. She was the best thing that could ever happend!
Vimlas life took a very heavy turn when she one day by accident broke her leg, only 17 weeks old. She had 3 surgerys over the years. And the rehab hours I never even bother to count. The first year it was a couple of hours every single day with massage, swimming, treadmil, PROM, laser etc etc. What doesn't kill you make you stronger is the saying. And nothing could be more true than in Vimlas case. She lived for almost 9 years and she was healthy and sound her whole life up til the end. And our relation was super special. The hours you spend on rehab really strengthen the bounds between you and your dog. I think Vimla believed her whole life that she was a human being ;)
Vimla loved training, all training! So over the years we trained and competed a lot. It was primary obedience, tracking, freestyle and rally obedience. Agility just for fun and she absolutely loved that! And we also did some showing. Vimla loved the shows. She could eat meatballs like forever and she loved to show her self. Even though she had her broken leg she did quite good at shows. And her best results ever was also her last. BOB Veteran at the Riga Winner Show 2015. And became 2nd best bitch after little sister Vintra. The judges words are worth saving: "Fabolous condition, beautifull head, good expression, not showing age of old, beautiful neck, holding her topline perfect, well musculated thights, the owner must be proud of this beautiful bitch. My honour!!"
Vimla was truly happy to be the only 4 legged person in the house. I could never in my life believe that she would ever like to share her life with someone else. But when Vintra moved in with us she caved in so quick! They really loved each other!
Vimla was my shadow. Were ever I was, she was besides me. When she got older we could just look at each other to know what the other was thinking. The love for her is indescribable. And we had so much fun over the years!
Vimla changed my life to the better in so many ways I can't describe. And I think no other dog after her will have that impact on my life that she had. She is the reason for me to go self employed so I could take care of her rehab 100%. She is the reason that I have the Rehab/fitness center for dogs. She is the reason we live on the countryside in a small house near the best woods for walking. Just to mention a few things...
She left us way to early almost 9 years old. One day she start to cough and we found out that she had tumor on the kidney and metastases spread to the lungs. There was nothing we could do. From the first signs it just took 4 weeks to the end. And it's a relief that she didn't had to go through a longer time of illness. Vimla always gave her all and was so strong. But this time I could see in her eyes it was the end. I had no other choice then to let her go was the hardest thing I ever done.